1) Shamatha/Vipashyana Practices (in-depth explanations plus practical guidances )
2) Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro Teachings (Practical guidance with explanations from the Words Of My Perfect Teacher, Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacheer, 100 Days Mind Training)
3) Sadhana Teachings (3 Roots of Longchen Nyingtik)
4) Dakini Laughter Chod Practice
5) Vajrayana Ritual Arts Classes ( Preparation of Shrines, Tormas, Playing Instruments, Chantings)
6) Buddhist Philosophies:
- Khejug, Gateway to Knowledge
- Ngeshé Drönmé, Beacon of Certainty
- Bodhicharya Avatara, Way of the Bodhisattva
- Madhyamika
- Prajnaparamita Treatises
- Yönten Dzö, The Treasury of Precious Qualities
- Semnyi Ngalso, Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of Mind