Your generous contributions, whether large or small, are crucial in helping us fulfill the visions and missions of Luminous Heart Essence. With your support, we can:


            Organize online and onsite Buddhist teachings

            Assist Buddhist teachers and practitioners, including both lay and ordained practitioners of Long-nying Chöling Monastery, Bhutan

            Support three-year retreatants of Long-nying Chöling Monastery

            Help to host annual and monthly dharma events at Long-nying Chöling Monastery

            Maintain and develop the infrastructure of Long-nying Chöling Monastery


Every donation helps us continue this important work. Thank you for your support.

By contributing, we all participate, directly or indirectly, in transforming our illusory material wealth into the essence of spiritual growth, guiding us towards full enlightenment and liberation from samsara. Just as a single drop of water in an ocean won’t dry up until the ocean itself dries up, our merit will not be exhausted until enlightenment if dedicated to the benefit of all sentient beings. Your generous contributions plant the seeds of merit, fostering the growth of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who benefit all mother sentient beings by disseminating and upholding the Buddha Dharma.

[Click here to donate]

Note: When you donate, please specify the purpose of your donation in PayPal or send a message via the contact link.


May the Buddha Dharma prevail everywhere!

May peace and prosperity pervade the world!

May all experience contemporary and ultimate bliss!

May all attain enlightenment within this life!