Long-nying Chöling monastery is situated among the sacred sites of Padmasambhava in Eastern Bhutan in the district of Trashi Yangtse Valley. It was built by a Longchen Nyingthik Yogi Pema Drakpa in 1906 according to the prophecy. Since then several successive enlightened Masters have resided and consecrated the monastery.

For more than a century, this monastery served as the center for Buddhist activities such as receiving teachings, the transmission of empowerments, seeking various spiritual advice and healing rituals for people, rituals for deceased and etc. Lamas and Gomchens (lay practitioners in Bhutan) here holds Drupchens, Drupchod, Tsechu (the 10th day, Guru Rinpoche day), Nyer-nga(the Dakini day), Nyungne (8 to 16 days long of fasting practices), Various Chod practices like Tsogley Rinchen Threngwa, Thröma, Dakini’s laughter, Recitation of Kangyur, Prajnaparamita and various sutras and tantras, especial days like Buddha’s four major days like Miracle months, Saga Dawa, First Sermon, Descending day and others like the Medicine Buddha day and so forth are observed. These monthly and annual ceremonies are held uninterruptedly by lay monk practitioners and many female practitioners from the local area. This monastery mainly holds the Nyingma tradition of Longchen Nyingthik and many other Nyingma treasures.